SPARK Facilitator Portal

The facilitator portal helps educators, counselors, and community leaders prevent substance misuse.

Designed for facilitators in after-school programs and caring adults, all of our curricula are user-friendly and easily integrated, with downloadable lesson plans that complement existing programs. Insights from Chicago youth an out-of-school facilitators guided our content, highlighting the importance of trust, non-judgmental spaces, engaging activities, and honest, practical information.
Youth emphasized the need for building trust, fostering respect, and empathetic communication. They valued comprehensive information about substances, including both benefits and risks, and strategies for harm reduction. Facilitators highlighted the need for accessible lesson plans, foundational topics like Social and Emotional Learning, and engaging multimedia resources. They also expressed a strong desire for a supportive peer network. By incorporating these insights, our curriculum aims to create a positive and supportive environment for both students and educators, promoting informed decisions and healthier outcomes.

How to Use the Curriculum

  • There are 5 Youth-Facing modules and 4 Adult-Facing modules.
  • The youth-focused modules each have 2-3 lesson plans, and each lesson is approximately 3 hours long.
  • The adult-focused modules each have one lesson plan and each lesson is approximately 2 hours long.
  • Pay attention to setting the stage before doing an activity.
  • Read through each activity a couple of times and try to facilitate in your own style.
  • You can bring in your own energizers or team builders.
  • Feel free to modify it based on your situation.

Culture, Identity, Trust and Belonging

Celebrating individual identities helps build trust and a sense of belonging, making drug prevention efforts more effective.

Substance Use and Its Impacts

Educating about substance use causes and effects is vital for successful prevention programs.

Ecological Influences

Environmental and social factors play a crucial role in understanding and preventing substance use.

How Friends Can Support

Peer support and positive friendships are key to preventing substance use among youth.

Harm Reduction Strategies

Applying harm reduction strategies can enhance the overall effectiveness of drug prevention efforts.

Talking to Youth About Substance Use

Understanding what makes an adult safe to talk with honestly about difficult subjects like substance use.

Talking to Youth About Substance Use - Part Two

Warning Signs and Intervention Conversations.

Fentanyl and Other Opioids

Learn the basics about fentanyl and other opioids, identify harm reduction approaches, and recognize signs of overdose.

Vaping and E-Cigarettes

Learn the basics about vaping products, common signs of vaping, and identify harm reduction approaches.

Disclaimer: some materials may not be accessible on protected networks (e.g., CPS). 

SPARK Youth Empowerment Network: Join the Conversation

Join the conversation in our supportive community forum, the SPARK Youth Empowerment Network, designed to share feedback, strategies, experiences, and resources on substance use prevention and youth well-being.

This Substance Use Prevention and Resource Kit (SPARK) website was developed in partnership by the Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago and Praxis Institute and designed by Rudd Resources.

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