Youth Engagement Resources
Empowering young people through interactive, educational activities to help them stay drug-free.

Youth Engagement Resources
Follow inspiring social media influencers and access interactive tools to stay informed and motivated in substance use prevention.
- Why Are Some Drugs Illegal? (Video)
- What Are Drugs (Video)
- Why War on Drugs Was a Huge Failure (Video)
- Addiction to Social Media and Tech (Podcast)
- Self Care Assessment (Worksheet)
- Chicago Youth Perspective on the War on Drugs (Video)
- Drugs and Mental Health (Video)
- How Portugal Solved the Drug Crisis (Video)
- Dr. Khokhar on Equipping Teens With Evidence-Based Knowledge Instead of “Just Say No” (TED Talk)
- Scenarios USA (YouTube Channel)
- Nuggets: Substance Abuse and Addiction (7th to 10th Grade)
- War on Drugs and Fun and Factually Accurate Rat Park Drug Experiment
Recoveryfortherevolution: Advocacy and resources for substance use recovery and harm reduction.
Cosmos_Juno: Queer and disabled creator focusing on harm reduction, drug education, and policy content.
Court0o0: Harm reduction worker in NY and former addict sharing insights and experiences.
Thesoberplug: Former addict who owns a rehab space, providing support and recovery advice.
Evan.the.counselor: Australian addiction and mental health therapist offering professional insights and advice.
Addictiontokdok: Addiction doctor with a series answering questions about drugs from 10th grade students.
Harmreductionqueens: Medication-assisted treatment nurses providing information and support.
Getfilteb1tch: Comprehensive harm reduction, drug policy, and drug history information from a leading source.
- Substance Free Chi: PHIMC facilitates dialogue around best practices for youth substance use prevention in Chicago.
Harm Reduction Coalition: National advocacy and capacity-building organization that promotes the health and dignity of individuals and communities impacted by drug use.
Grand Rapids Red Project: Providing resources and education on harm reduction and preventing HIV, overdose, and other health issues.
DanceSafe: Promoting health and safety within the nightlife and electronic music community through education and harm reduction.
The People’s Recovery Project: Community organization focused on harm reduction and recovery support.
End Overdose: Organization dedicated to ending overdose deaths through education, training, and resource distribution.